Welcome to Highlawn
"To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known."
We believe in encouraging and developing well grounded and compassionate Christians as well as sharing God's hope with the world. We are happy to offer these messages as a supplement to those longing to know more about Christ and growing in their understanding of the Bible. To learn more about our ministries, for our other discipleship offerings, or if you feel led to help support our mission, please visit our website at www.highlawnbaptistchurch.org
Our Discipleship Pathway for Maturing Christians:
Love God-Share His Word-Love Others-Spread the Gospel
Come join us on the Journey!
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Episode 100: The Account of Time
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
We have been blessed with so much in this life. Regardless of our current situation, we have so much to be thankful for in our every day lives. God's love is shown to all of mankind, with the ultimate act of love - salvation by grace - being bestowed upon His children. But with all of the blessings God has granted us, He expects us to enjoy and use them, in a way befitting the gift giver. One of our "jobs" on this earth is to glorify God and honor Him in all we do, say, and think.
One gift that we often neglect to think about (until it's too late), is the gift of "time". God has granted us each a certain number of days on this planet, and as with all gifts, He expects us to glorify Him in our use of that time. It's so easy to sit back and watch time tick by, until before we're aware of the passage...we've run out.
So, what would God have us do with this gift to us? How should we spend it? Is time there for us to be constantly engrossed in work, or maybe neglect work and pour our lives into our families? Should be be attending church 24/7, or working in the church, or is it more important to just use our time to "get in touch with our feelings"?
Join Pastor Jason as he brings to us, what the Word of God has to say about our best usage of the precious moments we have in this life, so that we can bring God a fraction of the glory He rightfully deserves.
Reverend Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures:
Morning Service November 01, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
Live Streams of Sunday morning services can also be found on YouTube at about 11:00 AM, every Sunday. Subscribe and "ring the bell" for our YouTube page to be alerted when the live stream starts!
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Episode 99: A Call to a Backslidden People
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Malachi, the minor prophet with the..."honor" (?)...of uttering the last prophetic book that we now knows as the Old Testament. Malachi followed the prophets of Nehemiah, and Haggai. He followed the rebuilding of the walls of the city, and the building of the second temple. He followed the return of tens of thousands of Israelites back to their city. And he followed the zeal, worship, and adoration of God that had turned back to complacency, selfishness, and unrighteousness. The Israelites, as they had done before, had "forgotten", or more accurately, conveniently ignored God. Life was good and God's laws and statutes once again, got in the way of the lifestyle they thought would bring them the most happiness.
Malachi saw his people and lamented over their actions, choices, and lives. He was given a message from God to deliver to the people...a message of judgement, a call...a command to repent, and a promise of the coming of the Messiah in the future.
Here we are, 2000 years later. We know the rest of the story. We know of the Messiah and His life and death and resurrection. We know how the Old Testament and New Testament are intertwined in one theme - the sinfulness of sin and the Salvation offered by God. Although we have the rest of the story. Although we can look at Israel and disapprovingly wag our heads in disbelief as the Israelites once again fall into sin, are we any different? How easy is it to turn our backs on God when He stifles the life that we want to live?
Join Pastor Jason as he draws parallels between the Israelites of the Old Testament, the Jews and Gentiles of the New Testament, and the people of today....namely you and I. What is the prescription for this sin that so entangles us? What is God's will for us?
Reverend Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures:
Morning Service October25, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
Live Streams of Sunday morning services can also be found on YouTube at about 11:00 AM, every Sunday. Subscribe and "ring the bell" for our YouTube page to be alerted when the live stream starts!
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Episode 98: The Message of Jonah
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Many times we default our thought's about the historical account of "Jonah and the Whale" to the almost fairy tale, Sunday School story of the scared little prophet trying to run from God, with a little Pinocchio mixed in, and God changing His mind, and Jonah getting mad at a plant. But the Message of Jonah is so much more.
Jonah may have been scared, but more than that, he was conflicted, he was hardened, he was defiant. He knew that those in Nineveh were cold, cruel, godless killers - they didn't deserve a second chance (did they?). Jonah had to have told and written his account sometime after his ordeal, which means he had important information to relate to God's children.
So, how does this account apply to us today? What is there to learn from this runaway prophet of God? Join Pastor Jason as he brings the message of this historical account into the present day, showing us how very applicable it actually is to each one of us.
Reverend Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures:
Morning Service October18, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
Live Streams of Sunday morning services can also be found on YouTube at about 11:00 AM, every Sunday. Subscribe and "ring the bell" for our YouTube page to be alerted when the live stream starts!
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Episode 97: Let This Mind Be In You
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
The prophet Zechariah was a contemporary of Haggai under Governor Zerubbabel. Both prophets were commissioned by God to rouse the scattered, returning Israelites to rebuild the temple. While Haggai's focus was more on calling out the sins of the people, the indifference to the temple, etc., Zechariah was more focused on calling the people to repentance.
Zechariah wanted the people to know who they were, to understand who God is, to know what they believe - not because of custom, but because of a working knowledge of the Scriptures. Even more, Zechariah wanted the people to understand how they were individually viewed in God's eyes - were they indifferent, hypocrites, or faithful?
The questions that Zechariah asked of the people apply to us today. Who are we? What do we believe? Why do we believe it? And how does God see us with regard to our worship of Him? And the path of repentance and sanctification he laid out is still as relevant today as it was back then.
Join Pastor Jason as he helps us understand how the writings and visions of this prophet apply to us today, and how we can ask the questions of ourselves to gauge where we are in our walk of faith.
Reverend Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures:
Morning Service October11, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
Live Streams of Sunday morning services can also be found on YouTube at about 11:00 AM, every Sunday. Subscribe and "ring the bell" for our YouTube page to be alerted when the live stream starts!
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Episode 96: The Community of Faith
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
As some locations around the world begin to "open", some never "closed" and others remain "closed" due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the mass gathering of individuals at houses of worship continues to be a contentious issue. Should we gather, how should we gather, should we sing, should we shake hands, masks, no masks, what about services and programs outside of Sunday mornings? These are all valid questions as we navigate our way through the virus, and the fear of the virus, real and perceived. Some would argue that we're gathering just fine - on the internet through live streams, pre-recorded sermons, "famous" Pastors and ministries, and "tele-vangelists". Do we really need to go back to "in person" church?
Although it's very true that we live in an amazing technological age that affords us the ability to stay connected, to some degree, even when we can't be physically near each other, we must remember that the writers and prophets of the Bible were being inspired by the Holy Spirit - God Himself, who is all knowing and completely sovereign. His Word is applicable today as it was when it was first written. The importance of gathering together in a Community of Faith, in person, is of the utmost importance for our growth, our well-being, and our guidance and discipline.
Join Pastor Jason as he discusses the Prophet Haggai and the mission that was revealed to him by God. A mission to rebuild the House of the Lord and the importance of bringing the community back together to worship the one and only God.
Reverend Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures:
Morning Service October 4, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
Live Streams of Sunday morning services can also be found on YouTube at about 11:00 AM, every Sunday. Subscribe and "ring the bell" for our YouTube page to be alerted when the live stream starts!
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Episode 95: Let Me Know Your Ways
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
The "minor" prophet Habakkuk lived at a time of great upheaval with regard to the regional rulers and power brokers. It was a time of war, a time of fear, and the land, and people of Judah were not immune. In fact, with the loss of their God-fearing king in battle, the subsequent king(s) and the people quickly reverted back to the idolatry that had been outlawed previously.
Understandably, Habakkuk had many questions as to what was happening, and more importantly why. Walking through his writings brings us on a journey as he questions and finds answers to what are now considered to be fundamental foundational elements of our faith and trust in God, no matter the circumstance.
Join Pastor Jason as he leads us through Habakkuk's journey, focusing on three key points: Waiting on the Lord, Trusting the Lord, and Honoring the Lord. The journey, the questions, the answers, and the results of Habakkuk's experiences can be directly applied to us in our days of upheaval, and if taken to heart, will help us find deeper trust in the same Lord - now and forever.
Reverend Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures:
Morning Service September 27, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
Live Streams of Sunday morning services can also be found on YouTube at about 11:00 AM, every Sunday. Subscribe and "ring the bell" for our YouTube page to be alerted when the live stream starts!
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Episode 94: Journey's in Life
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Today, Highlawn Baptist Church of Saint Albans, WV celebrated the 72nd anniversary of their founding. As part of the celebration, a former beloved Youth Minister, Pastor Rob Ely was asked to return and deliver the message for the morning service. The message today will begin with more of a personal reminiscing of Pastor Ely's past (and continued) experience with Highlawn Baptist, with some personal anecdotes interspersed throughout.
The first chapter of the book of James gives the believer an action plan for maturity in faith. James exhorts us to look at the trials and tribulations of this life from an eternal worldview rather than an earthly view which leads to depression and anxiety. He points us back to Christ for wisdom and perseverance with the result of our more accurate focus being a growth in Christian maturity. Join Pastor Rob Ely as he guides us through the first chapter of James, as well as other selected scriptures outlining a right response to trials that will inevitably arise through our Journey's in Life.
Pastor Rob Ely is now the Director of Student Ministries for the West Virginia Baptist Convention (WVBC), and the statewide Director of Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM) for WV. For more information, or to contact Pastor Ely, please go here: https://www.wvbc.org/about-us/staff/leadership-staff/
Guest Speaker: Pastor Rob Ely
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures:
James 1 (NIV)
Luke 6:46-49 (NIV)
Psalm 23 (NIV)
Morning Service September 20, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
Live Streams of Sunday morning services can also be found on YouTube at about 11:00 AM, every Sunday. Subscribe and "ring the bell" for our YouTube page to be alerted when the live stream starts!
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Episode 93: The Evolution of the Church
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Some may say that the situation that the church finds itself in today is completely unique in all of recorded history. It is true that the pandemic has forced us out of the church building, has heaped additional stress on Pastors and leadership, has damaged operating budgets, and in some cases caused churches to never be able to reopen. But at the same time, this pandemic has created brand new challenges and afforded (or in some cases thrust upon) churches the opportunity to adapt and overcome those challenges in new and innovative ways.
Although the specific situation the Church faces today is unique, at least in modern history, Believers have always had challenges thrown at them. They have been forced from their places of worship, they have had to overcome and adapt, and it's all been done through the plan of our Sovereign God for His purpose and ultimately for His Glory.
Join our guest speaker, Pastor Todd McClure, as he brings us back to the very early church, outlines the parallels between then and now, and reveals the hope that can be found in a situation that at times can appear hopeless.
Guest Speaker: Pastor Todd McClure, Minister of Missions and Finance, West Virginia Baptist Convention
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures:
Acts 1:1-11 (ESV)
Acts 2:4-11 (ESV)
Acts 2:41-47 (ESV)
Morning Service September 13, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
Live Streams of Sunday morning services can also be found on YouTube at about 11:00 AM, every Sunday. Subscribe and "ring the bell" for our YouTube page to be alerted when the live stream starts!
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Episode 92: The Power of Redemption
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
The word "redeemed" is a commonly used word in today's vernacular, but from a religious context, do we really understand what it means? We hear about it, we sing about it, but do we understand why it's needed, how it's attained, and "then what"?
Join us as Pastor Jason walks us through the scriptures to help us understand the answers to those questions, and to ultimately understand the Power of Redemption.
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures:
Morning Service September 6, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
Live Streams of Sunday morning services can also be found on YouTube at about 11:00 AM, every Sunday. Subscribe and "ring the bell" for our YouTube page to be alerted when the live stream starts!
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Episode 91: The Heart of the People
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
For those of us in the "first world", and specifically in the United States, even the poorest among us live a life of luxury as compared to most other people in most countries around the world. With prosperity comes comfort, with comfort comes pride, with pride comes destruction. Contrary to many "preachers" of today, prosperity isn't promised by God, and isn't always (and maybe is rarely) a blessing.
At the time of the Prophet Amos, the kingdom of Israel was split into two. The northern kingdom enjoyed wealth and prosperity, while Amos and the southern kingdom in general did not. Unfortunately the northern kingdom had become prideful, and sinful in their prosperity. Amos was one messenger from God, sent with a message.
What about us? Surely we would never follow the same path that Amos was sent to speak against. Join Pastor Jason as he speaks to who we are in a life of prosperity. Do we take credit for our wealth, power, and status, or do we recognize that God is the owner of all, and all we have are blessings that have been mercifully granted to us by God?
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures (NIV Presented):
Morning Service August 30, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
Live Streams of Sunday morning services can also be found on YouTube at about 11:00 AM, every Sunday. Subscribe and "ring the bell" for our YouTube page to be alerted when the live stream starts!
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!