Welcome to Highlawn
"To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known."
We believe in encouraging and developing well grounded and compassionate Christians as well as sharing God's hope with the world. We are happy to offer these messages as a supplement to those longing to know more about Christ and growing in their understanding of the Bible. To learn more about our ministries, for our other discipleship offerings, or if you feel led to help support our mission, please visit our website at www.highlawnbaptistchurch.org
Our Discipleship Pathway for Maturing Christians:
Love God-Share His Word-Love Others-Spread the Gospel
Come join us on the Journey!
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Episode 80: Christ in Our Heart, Home, and the House of God
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
The recent pandemic of Covid-19, has challenged Christians in the United States, and around the world, with regard to church, "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together...", our faith walk, and on the list goes. The actions and stances taken varied by church and in some cases, emotions ran very high.
In today's message, Pastor Jason discusses what the first church looked like, what made it a "church"? What is our responsibility, and what can we do, in the rare times that something like this confines us in our homes, or at the very least, restricts us from physically meeting as a church body? How can we grow our faith, even in these types of challenging times? Join us as Pastor Jason discusses "Christ in our Heart, Home, and the House of God".
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures:
Acts 16:30-40; Deuteronomy 6:6-7(NIV Presented)
Morning Service June 14, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
Live Streams of Sunday morning services can also be found on YouTube at about 11:00 AM, every Sunday. Subscribe and "ring the bell" for our YouTube page to be alerted when the live stream starts!
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Episode 79: The Savior and the Storm
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
We're excited to be back in our building, with live services!
No doubt nearly everyone on the planet has been affected by disease, unrest, war, loss, and the list goes on and on. We often refer to these difficult, confusing times in our lives as "storms". Many times throughout the Bible, we encounter literal storms disrupted lives, and served a larger purpose - the global flood of Noah's day, the raging wind and waves that Jonah was cast overboard into, the time that Jesus rebuked and calmed the storm on the lake, and on it goes.
Today, Jason discusses another storm in the Bible, this time Jesus walked out to the Disciples, across the face of the water. Peter, through faith in Christ, also stepped onto the water to walk to Jesus...which worked for a few steps, and then Peter's faith wavered. Sadly, we've all been in Peter's sandals. So, what do we do? Do we sink down and drown, or do we look to Christ to raise us up, and grant us the faith we require. Join Pastor Jason as he shows us what the Bible tells us about the "The Savior and the Storm".
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Today's Scriptures:
Matthew 14:22-31; 2 Timothy 1:7-10 (NIV Presented)
Morning Service June 7, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday May 31, 2020
Episode 78: Defining Church
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
Happy Pentecost Sunday! This is the day that Evangelical Christians celebrate the "birth" of the church, nearly 2000 years ago. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the preaching and prophesying by the (now) Apostles in all languages present, the conversion of 3000 individuals, both Jew and Gentile was a series of amazing, miraculous events! Although these events have never been, and will never be repeated in this manner again, the legacy remains in the body of Holy Spirit sealed Believers, collectively referred to as "The Church".
Join Pastor Jason as he shows us from God's Holy Word, the prophetic significance of the three Pilgrimage Festivals, the "New Testament in the Old Testament concealed, the Old Testament in the New Testament revealed", and the role and significance of the Church today.
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
00:32 - "Be Thou My Vision" performed by Laura Hedrick and Jennifer Robbins
04:03 - "Defining Church" - Rev. Jason Robbins
24:48 - "Jesus Paid it All" performed by Jennifer Robbins and Laura Hedrick (also on Piano)
27:48 - Closing Prayer
Today's Scriptures:
Acts 2:1-11; Numbers 11:25 (NIV Presented)
Morning Service May 31, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday May 24, 2020
Episode 77: Defining Truth
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Pilate famously asked Jesus, shortly before He was condemned to death by crucifixion, "What is truth?" That seemingly simple question has plagued mankind from Satan's first recorded words, questioning Eve in the garden, until this present day.
Today we face the paradox of "everyone's truth is true, but it must agree with my truth". We see the fruits of that worldview springing up all around us, labeled as "tolerance" and "inclusion" and "equality". This worldview has infiltrated all facets of society - home, work, school, and even church. On the surface, this idea sounds loving, caring, and empathetic...but is it?
So, does true truth exist, and if so, what exactly is truth? Join Pastor Jason as he guides us through the Word of God, revealing the answer to this "simple question", how we can know, and the implications of that answer for us today.
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
00:35 - "Blessed Assurance" performed by Jennifer Robbins, Terry Harvey, and Laura Hedrick (piano)
03:38 - "Defining Truth" - Rev. Jason Robbins
33:21 - "Eye is On the Sparrow" performed by Laura Hedrick
Today's Scriptures:
John 8:31-35; Hebrews 4:12; Romans 1:20-22, 24-25; Romans 1:29-31; John 3:17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Proverbs 4:23; John 6:35-40 (NIV Presented)
John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV Presented)
Morning Service May 24, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday May 17, 2020
Episode 76: Defining Worship
Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
When someone tells you that it's time to go worship, what do you envision you will soon be doing? When someone asks you who the Leader of Worship is at your church, who do you instantly picture in your mind? What do the terms "praise & worship", "a time of worship", a "worship service", or "worship style" mean to you? There is a very good chance that in all cases, your mind tended toward one direction, and one direction only. In fact, for some of us, the word "worship" brings up defensive, maybe even combative feelings. But what if we don't understand worship? What if a "straw man" has been created for us at some unknown time in the past, and now we're all doing our best to either knock him down, or prop him up?
Join Pastor Jason as he delves into God's Holy Word to define what worship truly is, and what it is not! We invite you to settle in and be prepared to have your preconceptions, and maybe your worldview with regard to the concept of "worship" challenged.
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Acts 16:16-30; Deuteronomy 6:5; Romans 12:1-2 (NIV Presented)
00:29 - "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" performed by Laura Hedrick
02:42 - "Defining Worship" - Rev. Jason Robbins
30:23 - "I Surrender All" performed by Jennifer Robbins and Laura Hedrick
34:33 - Closing Prayer - Rev. Jason Robbins Morning Service May 17, 2020
May 17, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday May 10, 2020
Episode 75: Defining Hope
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
Defining Hope
In a world that seems out of control, we all need something to hang onto, something solid, something unchanging. That thing that we hang onto is "hope". Unfortunately throughout history mankind has tried "hoping" in anything and everything they could think of, but like sand through your fingers, placing your hope in anything but the God of the Bible, and His promises, your misplaced hope will slip away and be lost forever. Now for the Good News! God is real! The Bible is true! The Bible tells us to not place our hope in things of this earth, but rather to place our hope in Jesus Christ and His death, burial, and resurrection, allowing us the opportunity to live for eternity with Him in Heaven (if we receive it).
Join Pastor Jason as he discusses the "hope" that the Christian has after life is over. What is Heaven, why is it there, can we really place our hope in Christ who promises us an eternal existence at the end of our journey on earth? And most importantly, how can one obtain that hope that not only surpasses all the trials, tribulations, pain, and hurt of this world, but outshines our happiest, must joyful, brightest days as well!
Preceding the message for today is a short message for all the mothers out there on this special day commemorating motherhood, brought to you by Mrs. Jennifer Robbins. We'd like to recognize the important role of a mom, and how much they mean to the life of their children. We THANK YOU for all you do, and for all you are, and pray God's blessing on your life and the critical part you play in God's creation! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Proverbs 31:10-31 (KJV); Matthew 6:25-27; Colossians 1:3-6; 2 Corinthians 5:5-9; Hebrews 4:14-16; John 14:2-3; Revelation 21:3-4, 27; Revelation 22:3; Matthew 25:23; John 3:18; Philippians 3:18-20; Romans 8:15-17; 1 Peter 1:4-5; Matthew 5:12; 1 Peter 5:2-4; 2 Corinthians 5:6; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (NIV Presented)
May 10, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday May 03, 2020
Episode 74: Defining Fellowship
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Defining Fellowship
Jesus was Alive! Peter was filled with joy at seeing his Lord and Master alive again, just as He said He would be! But Peter, a bold and brash, yet sincere fisherman was troubled in his heart and mind. Peter's feelings of disfellowship stemmed from his own failures, his own weaknesses, his own sin. Although he was the apparent leader of the disciples for now, with his failure to stand boldly for Christ as he said he would, would he, could he ever be allowed to remain in Jesus's inner circle of Disciples? He had let down his friends, his fellow Disciples, and most importantly, he had failed his Lord. What about you? Are you mired in feelings of disfellowship? Do you dread seeing "that person" at church? Do you feel as if you could never look at Jesus and admit the sin that's weighing heavy on your heart and mind? Do you know beyond doubt that Jesus could never accept you, not to mention love you again? Join Pastor Jason as he walks us through what God's Word says about fellowship within the Body of Christ, and with Jesus, our Lord.
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
John 21:1-14; 1 Peter 4:8-11 (NIV Presented)
May 3, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Episode 73: Defining the Lord's Day
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Defining The Lord's Day
At the time of this message, churches across the United States, and around the world are working feverishly to find ways to "do church" without physically meeting together due to the Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic, and resultant "lock downs", "stay at home" orders, and "social distancing" rules. With the relatively modern invention of the internet, and a plethora of social media and web meeting platforms, we're able to "meet" without "meeting together". We can also view past recordings, read and leave comments, pause for research, or note taking, or to use the bathroom, make a call, or get a snack, and we can do this all in our "comfy clothes" watching from our "favorite chair". So, when this pandemic subsides, why should we go back to the "old ways"? Is meeting together on the Lord's Day really that important anymore, in our advanced society? Join Pastor Jason as he outlines what God's Word says about His Day, and the importance of actually being there...together...as one body.
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
John 20:19-23; John 20:24-29; 2 Corinthians 4:17-18; 1 Peter 1:8-9 (NIV Presented)
April 26, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Episode 72: Defining Discipleship
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Defining Discipleship
What is a "Disciple"? Are you a Disciple? How can you be a Disciple? What does it mean to be a Disciple? If you are a born again believer in Jesus Christ, you ARE a Disciple! But now what? Join us as Pastor Jason walks us through what being a Disciple means, drawing from the best example possible - Jesus' own direct Disciples.
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
Luke 5:1-11; Luke 5:27-32; Luke 6:14-16; James 1:5; Philippians 2:1-5; Hebrews 10:25; 1 Peter 3:15 (KJV); 2 Timothy 4:6-8 (NIV Presented)
April 19, 2020
If you feel led to support our ministry, you can find us on Tithe.ly. You can either click here to create an account and give online, or you can download the app for Apple or Android. (Note: use the "green" app). Create an account and search for "Highlawn Baptist Church" in "Saint Albans, WV". Thank you!
FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Episode 71: Defining Victory! Easter Sunday
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Defining Victory! Easter Sunday Morning
How does the Christian define "victory"? Very simple: "Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!"
Rev. Jason Robbins
Highlawn Baptist Church (www.HighlawnBaptistChurch.org)
John 20:1-20; Colossians 1:18-22; 1 Corinthians 15:20-21; 1 Corinthians 10:13; James 1:5; Romans 8:26; Ephesians 4:30; Romans 8:18-39 (NIV Presented)
April 12, 2020 (Easter Sunday)
NOW FIND US ON YOUTUBE! Sunday Morning sermons (as well as this sermon) can be found by searching for "Highlawn Baptist" on YouTube, or by clicking here.
As with this podcast - Subscribe, Like, and Share our YouTube channel to help us get the message of the Good News out to a world in need of hope!